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Healthy Iron Chef Cooking Class -  These classes will focus on proper nutrition using the USDA’s My Plate as a foundation.  Every community member will learn the My Plate Categories, how to read Nutrition Labels and they will learn to identify and measure the proper portion sizes to achieve optimal health in a fun and non-threatening way.


Healthy Iron Chef Cooking Championship Event - Contestants will be chosen from entering a healthy menu competition.  The parent and child team will then compete against other community members and also different communities throughout Cincinnati.  The contestants will pull their food from a GIANT MY PLATE shelves and will be given 15 minutes to prepare a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch and a healthy dinner.  They will be judged on 5 area’s: 1. Creativity: How creative is it? Is it just plain cereal and milk in a bowl or is it cereal poured over frozen yogurt in the shape of an animal. 2.  How many categories of MY PLATE are used? There are 5 in total. 3. Is it the correct portion size? 4. Presentation: Is it just slopped on a plate or is it pretty to look at on the plate.  Does it make you say, “I NEED to eat that right now!?” 5. TASTE: How does it taste? Some things can look delicious but taste not so delicious.


A representative parent/child team will be chosen from each grade and will represent that grade or community in the competition.  While the Chefs are cooking the rest of the audience (every other student and family in each grade) will play Nutrition Based Physical Activities and Jeopardy Questions to score additional points for their teams.  It truly takes a VILLAGE to have this much fun while learning and reinforcing good nutrition.


Fun and Fit Classes -  These classes will focus on movement and different muscle groups.  Students will learn and practice how to exercise those muscles through fun games and life-long wellness activities.

FLASH (Family Living and Sexual Health) - This class recommended for 7th grade through Adult.

This program is an in-depth program focusing on healthy communication in relationships, Dating/Domestic Violence and how to avoid them, Puberty, Hygiene, The Reproductive System, Pregnancy, Birth Control and STIs,  We separate the classes into all boy groups and all girl groups in order to ensure a safe space where any questions can be asked and privacy ensured.

Puberty and Hygiene  - This class is recommended for 4th grade through Adults

This class focuses on Puberty.  The physical and hormonal changes that happen to EVERYONE as their bodies get ready to be able to have and make babies.  We put the boys and girls in separate classes so we enable students to feel less embarrassed and more socially and emotionally “safe” to ask ANY question they need to ask.  We also talk about how these bodily changes create new odors and new body parts to pay special attention to when cleaning your body and how to prevent unpleasant bodily odors.

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