Trauma Informed Care
Through this program, we teach educators, other school staff members, teachers, parents and community members about what trauma-informed care is and the principals behind it. Everyone takes the ACES QUIZ (Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey) Through this survey participants will gain insight into how trauma is measured and how someone who has a HIGH ACES score is hard wired due to their past traumatic experiences. We teach skills to help people build relationships and safe spaces where those affected by trauma can feel comfortable to learn and be a healthy and happy contributor to our classrooms and communities. This class truly helps those who have NOT had traumatic experiences gain empathy and a clearer understanding of how and why persons with traumatic pasts/present behave and act out the way they do.
This class teaches students about different forms of bullying and how to combat them. We use the Lets Get Real Curriculum that showcases students their own age talking about Bullying and how it affects them. Seeing people their own age, race and gender talking about and struggling with bullying gives them the insight they need to stop themselves from being a bully, getting bullied and being a bystander that promotes bullying. The students get the opportunity to create a campaign slogan and poster and to write and perform a skit based on their REAL experiences. This class helps students to be more empathetic to their peers and empowers them to be an UPSTANDER and stop bullying before it starts.